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Get Ready For Autumn

  Change Regimes With The Seasons When the leaves begin to fall in the UK it’s the first sign that the scorching summer is behind us and it will soon be Christmas. Our skin is likely to appear drier than it was in the summer months and we will start to feel the chill a lot more. As[…]

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Improve Frown Lines & Wrinkles

  Foreheads Need Some TLC  There is no relationship between age and frown lines and wrinkles on the forehead, but the forehead can understandably be a concern to many people as they get older. Feedback from our clients has confirmed they don’t spend enough time hydrating their foreheads appropriately. This leads to the formation of lines[…]

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DIY Home Feet Treatment

  Fabulous Feet Have you ever thought – I would love to treat my feet, but don’t get the time? Does the thought of someone seeing your dry, cracked skin horrify you? Are My Feet Really That Important? Yes! The skin can become dry due to the environment or everyday pressures we put on our[…]

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5 Step Simple & Natural Skin Care Regime

Simple Skin Care Routine Finding a good skin care routine is a trial and error process, due to the choice available on the market. With however many errors along the way, knowing what is best, can be difficult. What is the best product? What am I doing wrong? We have had many years of  listening[…]

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Preparing Children For School

Children Work Better With Confidence Children in the UK usually return to school in the first week of September. If you’re a parent, now is the time to ensure that you’re ready for what’s ahead. You may have already checked that the uniforms fit and the pencil cases are filled! It’s also a period where[…]